June 17, 2020

Good Specifications Make Better Assembly Machines

When it comes to automated assembly machines, specifications are essential. The better the specifications, the better your assembly machine will work. Good specifications can provide more consistency where needed or more variety where variety is required. Proper specification guidelines can help build your business.

When adding specifications to your automated assembly machine needs, avoid specifying how the equipment will look. Instead, in the specifications, focus on outcomes expected and constraints the company operates under. When listing specifications focus on the following:

  • Current technologies
  • Equipment efficiencies
  • Shift Patterns
  • Labor costs
  • Model mix
  • Changeover times
  • Quality factors
  • Floor space constraints
  • Skill level of operators

Providing an accurate analysis of the above specifications will allow equipment suppliers to give you the best system to fit your needs. When you focus on proper specifications, suppliers are furnishing you with the best quotes. You will not waste time looking at machines that will not work with your business which will save you both time and money. You can rest easy knowing that you are only looking at the machinery that fits your needs.

From automated to prefeeders, whatever assembly machine you are on the lookout for, good specifications are an important aspect. The right specifications will ensure that you will be purchasing the best assembly machine for your businesses wants and needs.