December 24, 2020

What can Automated Assembly Machines do for Your Business

Adding automated assembly machinery to a manufacturing process has always been time-consuming and capital-intensive to implement. In the short run, they are more expensive to set up and run than manual labor. In recent years, intelligent software and systems now easily fit with adaptive hardware that provides flexible, affordable, and fast automation solutions. Investing in your business by creating and using automated assembly machines has never been more appealing.
Robotic Integration

Automated Assembly Machines


Human work is flexible, but it is not easy to be scalable, especially when scaling up. If the job requirements change, a human can adapt to that change, but a human can only work that fast when you need 50% more production. At a certain point, you must hire other employees to cover the slack of scaling up. Adding hardware and adjusting software yields quicker and better results. Speed means everything in business now, meaning that those with products quicker to market typically succeed.


Another major benefit of smart automation is that it allows for closed-loop inspections. Manufacturers set up the pass and fail boundaries that are based on specific design measurements. The ability to control the quality of products is essential for any thriving business. Human labor is flawed and varies, whereas, with continuous motion assembly machines, you have strong product output consistency.


What would it mean for your business if there was less downtime, fewer errors, and higher output? In a perfect world, every manufacturer wants those things, but cost, space, and time make this difficult. Both the yield rates end cost of production are reason enough to invest in continuous motion assembly machines.

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