September 23, 2021

How Does Automated Assembly Machinery Solve Manufacturing Problems?

Many of the products we use daily, including disposable products, are made with the help of automated assembly machinery. Customization possibilities associated with automation and robotic integration are almost endless, so manufacturing is ideal for complex problems. Automation streamlines the manufacturing process while also improving quality. Below, we want to highlight some of the industries that most benefit from automated assembly machinery.

automated assembly machinery

Bottles we use to store liquids and medications are made with the help of rotary assembly machines. Automation offers highly efficient solutions for assembly while maintaining high output rates and leaving a small environmental footprint. Although each system is different, output rates can reach over one million parts. Whether you are capping a milk carton, a water bottle, or a cleaning container, automation is the best option for manufacturing.

Make-up and beauty products are often made with rotary assembly machines. Automation creates complex component forms, such as trigger pumps, lipstick/chapstick caps, and aerosol spray caps.

Consumer goods, such as zip ties, adhesive cartridges, tape dispensers, and ballpoint pens, are sold by the millions each year, and people need to have quick and easy access to these products. They also need to be sold at an affordable rate, which is only possible if manufacturers can keep production costs down.

Automation offers industries and businesses unique ways to solve difficult manufacturing processes. When implemented correctly, automation reduces production costs, increases production speed, and greatly reduces the chance of broken parts.

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