“As the head of a family-owned, mid-sized (300 employees) tractor parts company, I had finally come to the conclusion that the company had to ‘sink or swim’. Our employee costs, including benefits, health care, etc. were through the roof, and our factory floor needed a complete retooling to accommodate a variety of assembly machines and automated assembling systems. To cut labor costs, we had to cut jobs that were efficiently replaced with your company’s exceptional quality assembly machines that had been designed and engineered specifically for our needs. Your automated assembling systems have worked flawlessly, and our bottom line is once again in the black. We were delighted to benefit from the expert assistance from your engineers who oversaw the installation of your ultra-efficient assembly machines, as well as a great deal of invaluable guidance on their optimal use. All of us here can’t thank you enough. Congratulations on a job ‘very’ well done”!
“As is the case with so many American companies that have been forced to compete with our ‘friends’ overseas, our electronic component processing plant had to join the 21st century with the installation of numerous assembly machines and automated assembling systems designed, manufactured, and installed by your exceptional personnel who have thoroughly modernized our factory floor. Because we were able to successfully downsize our workforce, the substantial investment in your company’s assembly machines assures us of a fast ROI, and the same holds true with the advanced automated assembling systems that had been ingeniously designed and expertly installed by your company’s (again) exceptional automation experts. It’s never pleasant to let workers go, but global competition demands cost cutting wherever possible, and our investment in top quality assembly machines, as well as several automated assembling systems was worth every penny. We couldn’t be happier with both your products and exceptional customer service from start to finish. Thank you!”
“It has now been approximately one year since we decided that a complete retooling of our factory floor was long overdue. As a mid-sized company that thrives on assembly subcontracting for other regional companies, we already used a large number of assembly machines that were outdated and presented us with continual breakdowns and costly repairs that threatened the viability of our company. The same was true of several automated assembling systems that suffered from the same wear and tear, as well as ‘yesterday’s’ technologies that reduced productivity. Your company’s automated assembling systems experts couldn’t have done a better job at turning our factory floor into a showplace of the very latest in automated technologies, and we consider every dollar spent a dollar wisely invested. We know full ROI will take some time, but we are confident that choosing your company for the retooling was the best business decision of the year. Thank you and our best wishes to all!”
“We knew that the purchase of state of the art assembly machines, as well as the most advanced automated assembling systems would require a substantial investment in both time and money. Our company struggled with the decision that would also involve a substantial reduction of our workforce if we took the (obviously needed) path of automation. Once the decision had been made, and we had been referred to your company as the leader in assembly machines and custom designed, automated assembling systems, the ‘die’ (so to speak) ‘had been cast’. Now, two years later, we know we made the very best move possible (assembly machines automation), and the proof is in our ‘jet black’ bottom line. Your automated assembling systems also perform to perfection and require minimum maintenance, which means our factory floor now ‘hums’ with (greatly reduced workforce) productivity and profitability. You company did a fantastic job, for which we will always be grateful. Thank you and well done”!
Automated Assembly Machinery
- Build Automated Assembly Machinery Together
Automated assembly systems can be made for almost any job in almost any specifications or requirements. No matter what you field is, be it medical, industrial, or commercial a machine can be made for you. - American Made Automated Assembly Machinery
- Using Automated Assembly Machinery too Improve Quality